"The Prince" is a card owned by my client.

The betrayer, the Ascendant, the one who almost destroyed the world. The Calamity, that saw the world torn asunder, was caused by mortal ambition. The young Prince Talisan Akhelion, younger brother to the Emperor of Roweni, cast aside his meager inheritance and orchestrated the near end of the world. Through cunning machinations, the Prince developed a ritual to drain the raw power released from the Calamity and use it to ascend to near-godhood himself. Now a Luminary, the Prince wages war still, an eternal one, pushing to control the hells and far-realms dominated by the Outsider. This is not out of a sense of right, to supplant the Outsider with a benevolent ruler, the Lord of Ambition still has desires and goals. The Prince remains no stranger to War, and actively watches and participates in the wars of mortals and his own immortal armies.
Themes: Ambition, Power, War

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